SEO for Health and Wellness Businesses


What message are you dying to get out into the world? What words can you not stop yourself from telling your clients every time they stop to listen to you? And when you finally see a client who gets the results based on guidance you gave them, you go to bed feeling the ultimate sense of satisfaction. Feels pretty awesome, right?

Well - SEO can bring you more of those experiences!

So, how do you get started? This post gives you a couple of easy tips to think about when starting to build an SEO strategy for your health and wellness business.

You can also listen to a podcast episode about this same topic here:

But before we dive in, I want to mention that SEO isn’t a one-time fix sort of marketing. It is a gradual and hands-on approach that can lead to amazing results! And I’m here to help! If you are looking for hands-on support with your keyword implementation and content strategy, check out my 90-Day SEO journey here.

Ok - let’s do this!

Understand where you are getting your traffic from today

Taking the time to understand what your best marketing sources are in terms of site traffic is an important place to start when it comes to building an SEO strategy.

Many people ignore this step since it can feel irrelevant; if I just add some keywords to the site, new people will come, right? Wrong.

The smartest approach to getting results faster from SEO is knowing where you are already getting traffic from today and leveraging those sources.

For example, if you know that you get a lot of traffic from your Instagram account, you can start to identify what type of content those type of visits enjoy and be more strategic about where you send them when they land on the site.

The best place to get this type of information is Google Analytics of course:

You can use the Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels report to identify exactly where you are getting your traffic from today:


Take a look at each type of Marketing you are doing and make notes on where you are getting the most traffic from. What have you done specifically for that type of marketing? Have you gotten any specific leads from that marketing?

Remember SEO isn’t just about more traffic, it’s about more sales.

If you are able to tie back the return on each marketing effort, that can also give you a hint of where you are getting the best return.

Knowing the big picture of your marketing will help you be more strategic about SEO and have all your marketing efforts working in the same direction.

Discover your Keywords and put together a content plan

If you’ve read anything about SEO, I’m sure you’ve heard of keywords. They are those magical little words that can unlock the key to a bump of traffic for your site.

But in reality, keywords are only one piece to having a smart SEO strategy. There needs to be real thought process behind why the specific keywords you decide to use will connect with the type of audience you want finding your site.

If you want more information about finding keywords, check out this blog post on keywords for health and wellness businesses.

Once you have a couple keywords you feel comfortable working with, I recommend planning out the next couple of months of content. Start with 1 blog post per month, based on the keywords that you researched. You can then plan all your marketing around that blog post.

This might seem overly simple but when it comes to doing SEO, keeping it straightforward will absolutely work in your favour.

It is better to keep it simple and get it done, than overcomplicate it, get overwhelmed, and just give up with your SEO.

Here is a simple SEO plan you can use to organize your keywords and marketing:

Month 1: Topic A

  • Keywords to use: (choose 3 keywords you want to use for this)

  • Call to action: (what will be the call to action at the end of the post?)

  • Social media: (how many posts will you share on this topic?)

  • Email: (how many emails will you send on this topic?)

You can copy this for the other months as part of your content plan and literally have it done in 15 minutes.

Don’t complicate it; keep it simple and doable.

Have an outreach plan

This part of doing SEO is often forgotten about or labelled as spammy.

But I think it is crucial; taking the time to get featured and linked back to can completely change the speed that you start ranking in Google.

As part of my 90-Day SEO Journey I put together a specific outreach plan for each of my clients to get out of their comfort zone and interact in some communities they never considered before.

Here are some outreach strategies you can think about as you plan out your content:

  • Podcast interviews: this is a super easy way to get another site to link to your blog content. Since there are tons of podcasts nowadays, just going ahead and pitching the person with a customized topic for their audience is the best way to go.

  • Answering questions on Quora: this community is a huge opportunity to get seen as an expert and eventually link back to your blog resources.

  • FB Groups: another great place to look for communities where you can interact with and share your stuff is Facebook Groups. Not all of them let you share links, but if you do get seen as an expert, people will be searching for your name on Google anyway!

  • HARO (or Help a Reporter): This site features different questions from reporters all over the world. They might be looking for a source regarding your area of expertise. This is a great way to get features as well as get a link back to your site.

Choose one or many of those methods to start getting your site linked! This helps you get direct traffic from these sites as well as sends signals to Google that your site is legitimate.

When to start outreaching? You might be wondering when is a good time to start the outreach portion of SEO. I say, the sooner the better! Even if you still haven’t published your best blog post yet, you can share your site in general and start getting featured in different communities. And who knows, you might get a client along the way!

There you have it!

SEO for your Health and Wellness business!

If you are feeling like all that information sounds great but you have no idea when you will have time to do all that, let me help: Click here to apply for my 1:1 SEO service and I will take care of the keyword research, and implementation.