Top 3 mistakes when migrating your website / ep86

seo site migration tips

I cringe when I hear the horror stories of business owners who didn’t have a plan for migrating their sites. 

Here are a few:

- 30% drop in site traffic over 3 months

- Data gaps (o no data) in their Google Analytics

- 404 errors across their entire site that wreak havoc

Making sure you have a solid migration plan in place BEFORE migrating your site is key to not losing visits after you launch your new site. Imagine getting so excited about your new site and then discovering that you are actually getting half the visits from your previous site. A bummer no?

In this episode of the Digitally Overwhelmed podcast I talk about the top mistakes you need to avoid and how to plan for your site migration. 

And if you need extra support with migrating your site, reach out to me here and we can talk through your migration plan.

CINTHIA PachecoseoComment